Managing Director Update May

Since SERS was established in 2008, we have grown from strength to strength. Starting in Northbridge, Perth we have now expanded operations to include Queensland, Victoria, the Northern Territory, and New South Wales, and have grown staff from 2 to 22 full time team members.

Workload and capacity has recently grown in QLD, with lab capabilities expanding the existing bulk asbestos identification laboratory. The new lab allows staff to analyze soil samples for asbestos meeting NEPM requirements.

The Brisbane team are currently working on the Logan Enhancement Project, working with over 700 properties. SERS has been engaged to manage the pre-construction dilapidation surveys. The dilapidation surveys are to be performed on all adjacent properties within a 100m radius of the proposed works for all accepting property owners. The dilapidation surveys will documents all existing damage found within the properties and provides reports to the client and relevant stakeholders.

In March this year, we moved into the New South Wales market, opening an office in Sydney, headed up by Paul Wallace. Paul has been part of the SERS team since 2014 working across WA, QLD and New South Wales. The NSW site offers our full range of services statewide.

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