QLD Update May

Site Environmental & Remediation Services (SERS) commenced full capacity operations within Queensland in 2015, with the support of our internal NATA accredited laboratory. Since this time, SERS have provided environmental services to a variety of clients from small scale builders and removal contractors, to local council departments and tier 1 construction companies.

visible asbestos cement debris in ground QLD Update May 1
Picture 1: Visible asbestos cement debris in ground

An example of the of this services includes the ongoing management of the asbestos contamination in soil located beneath a large commercial development.  During the course of installing services in the ground, SERS was engaged to identify and report on the extent of asbestos contamination to various areas of the site. SERS liaised with the client with the investigation and developed an asbestos management plan to be implemented in conjunction with all further affected works.

remediated trench work includuing additional encapsulation measures QLD Update May 3
Picture 2: Remediated trench work including additional encapsulation measures.

Since the establishment of the asbestos management plan, SERS has continued to assist the client with the monitoring and progressive inspection of the areas where works is to be performed. Additionally, SERS has provided advice with the controls and work method to ensure the safety and regulatory requirements are met. Currently, works proceeds with no issues and achieving the clients desired results.

remediated ground surface to an affect area of the site QLD Update May 5
Picture 3: Remediated ground surface to an affected area of the site.

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